G, 384 Hz – “the all-seeing eye”


This frequency is the 5th harmonic (major-3rd interval) of E-flat. We call it “G”, as we call the frequency of the Day G, because western music only gives 7 letters to work with – but they are different vibrations, and we need a musical scale with more than 12 notes in it to accommodate both of these notes.

The “solfeggio” may give us a clue as to which flavour of G to include in a 12-note musical scale. The solfeggio were found in the Old Testament of the Bible, and the ancient Hebrews who wrote the Bible used a unit of time called the Helek instead of today’s seconds. So, to convert the solfeggio numbers from vibrations per Helek (if that was their purpose) into vibrations per second, divide them by 3.3333 seconds. Miraculously, 528 and and 396 translate to be precisely the 11th harmonics of our B-flat and F frequencies. So, with that amazingness in mind, when we see that “fa” 639 divided by 3.3333 seconds = 383.4 Hz, this might be a sign that the flavour of G the Bible wants us to use in our music is this 384 Hz frequency. Unlike 528 and 396 though, it’s not precise, so I take this with a “grain of salt.” It’s an indication – but not definite. Season to taste, see which G you prefer in your musical scale.


John Stuart Reid says: Similar to 12.14 Hz (Gravity G) in that it is a very powerful representation of 4-fold geometry, yet strikingly different to 12.14Hz, which shows how even very small changes in frequency can manifest large changes when they are rendered visible.  And I can’t help but see an eye in that central feature, perhaps the “all seeing eye” with its roots in Egyptian mythology.

I emphasise how profound is the difference between this G of 12 Hz and the Gravity/Day G of 12.136296296 Hz. That tiny variation takes us from the Earth harmonic mother-lode of sonic symetry to this neat encapsulation of 4-sided cymatics.


Gematria – 3, 6:

Octaves of this vibration alternate between 3 and 6. As Nikola Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe“. e.g.:

  • 12 Hz (1+2 = 3)
  • 24 Hz Hz (2+4 = 6)
  • 48 Hz (4+8 = 12, 1+2 = 3)
  • 384 Hz (3+8+4 = 15, 1+5 = 6)
  • etc

Mythology and Metrology:

This vibration’s octaves in Hz (3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, etc.) are multiples of 12 – foundational to the sexagesimal counting system defined by the Sumerians – (although it seems they were not using seconds, but Heleks).

In Heleks, these vibrations would be multiplied by 3.3333 seconds, e.g.

  • 3 Hz x 3.3333 seconds = 10 vibrations per Helek
  • 6 Hz x 3.3333 seconds = 20 vibrations per Helek
  • 12 x 3.3333 = 40
  • 24 x 3.3333 = 80

Interesting, eh?

Time Signature:

  • 3 Hz, 6 Hz, 12 Hz, 24 Hz, 48 Hz, 96 Hz
  • 10, 20, etc. vibrations per Helek
  • 90 or 180 Beats Per Minute

Earth Rotation:

  • One beat every 33 seconds
  • Or the time it takes the Earth to rotate 1/45th of a degree

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